Becoming a Collector

Every collection is as unique as its collector; from its thematic focus to how its contents are acquired, there is no “right” way to build – and no one pathway to entry. But across every collection, one thing remains true: each individual addition enhances the value of the whole. The barriers may seem high, but the most thoughtful collections aren’t often inherited: they are built, with passion and curiosity. In a candid, rare “fireside chat” style panel, contemporary collectors and advisors compare notes and share stories about how they got into acquiring art.
Friday, 13 September, 11:30 am
venue: Talks Area
Open event – limited capacity (max. 100 people)
Galila Barzilaï-Hollander, Collector
Eugenio Re Rebaudengo, Founder, Artuner
Maria-Theresia Mathisen, Art Advisor
Philippe Batka, Curator of Art Collections,
Vienna Insurance Group
Moderated by Victoria Camblin, Magazine.Capital